Michigan Family Law Firm

Everyone hopes for a happy and peaceful family life. Hardly anyone marries expecting to divorce. Unfortunately, changes and challenges arise that can cause the bonds of matrimony to unravel, and for reconciliation to be impossible. When family relationships break down, the life you envisioned with your spouse and children may no longer unfold as you had planned. When fear, unpredictability, and distress override stability, happiness, and mutual support, it may become necessary to legally redefine those relationships with the help of a family law firm.

Consider marriage counseling before resorting to divorce: the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. Under Michigan law, divorce is not permitted if both spouses believe there is a reasonable likelihood the marriage can be saved. The only grounds for divorce in Michigan are that “there has been a breakdown in the marital relationship such that the objects of matrimony have been destroyed and there is no reasonable likelihood that the marriage can be preserved.”. If you do not want to divorce, and think your marriage can be saved, but your spouse disagrees, there is nothing you can do under Michigan law to prevent your spouse from getting a divorce. Many people fight the divorce process tooth and nail, but this serves nobody, least of all the person putting up the fight.

If your spouse wants a divorce and you do not, engage in personal counseling as soon as possible to make peace with this new reality and forge a path to a brighter future. Often, people who are devastated over the news their spouse wants a divorce end up happier after the divorce than the spouse who “pulled the trigger.” A good therapist and a good family law attorney will make all the difference.

Our family law firm, Nichols, Sacks, Slank, Sendelbach, Buiteweg & Solomon, P.C. serves families in Washtenaw, Oakland, Wayne, Livingston, Jackson, and Lenawee Counties in Michigan, helping them navigate these matters with dignity. With a forward-thinking approach, we help you to build a bridge between where you stand and the future you want for your family. Contact us today for a consultation.


Even in the best of circumstances, divorce is often difficult for the people going through it. Just as marriage is more than just a legal status, divorce is more than a legal end to that relationship. Divorce has many aspects: financial; social; emot…


Divorce arbitration is a binding dispute resolution tool that gives couples and families flexibility and finality to choose their decision-maker and resolve their case outside the courtroom. Submitting your dispute to arbitration can help resolve mat…

Attorney-Negotiated Settlement

Sometimes spouses simply can’t work out their divorce settlement on their own. Difficult legal issues, financing concerns, and hard feelings can interfere with your ability to resolve your issues quickly or in a way third parties (like banks and re…

Collaborative Law

When couples aren’t looking for a fight, collaborative divorce focuses on settlement, instead of winning. Many Michigan couples today know that life carries on after divorce. By focusing on settlement and conflict resolution instead of litigation,…

Limited Scope Representation

Limited Scope Representation Puts You in Control of Your Family Law Case Not every family needs, wants, or can afford to have an attorney managing their divorce or child custody matter every step of the way. If you are looking for a more cost-effecti…

Divorce Trial

Filing a Complaint for Divorce in Michigan starts a months-long litigation process that includes exchanges of information, motions, mediations, informal negotiations, and ultimately the divorce trial. Having a divorce litigation attorney experienced…

Uncontested Divorce

Uncontested Divorce Lets Michigan Couples Move On Without Expensive Court Costs Most families do not need a long or bitter divorce proceeding to divide up their property, arrange for their children, and go their separate ways. Especially, when the co…


Divorce can be painful. A common misperception is that, “having my day in court will fix everything.” Unfortunately, having your day in court is seldom as satisfying as you had hoped and comes with high financial costs as well as hidden costs lik…

Child Custody & Support

For most parents, the most difficult aspects of their family law matter are those affecting their children: child custody, parenting time and support. If there were issues regarding the care of the children while the parents’ relationship was intac…

Child Custody

The family law attorneys of Nichols, Sacks, Slank, Sendelbach, Buiteweg & Solomon, P.C. have helped thousands of Michigan families navigate custody disputes before, during, or after a divorce or breakup. We are committed to minimizing the stress…

Child Support

Michigan Child Support Basics In Michigan, both parents have a duty to support their children. A child support order provides predictability about the amount and frequency of child support payments. Child support is calculated according to the Michig…

Parenting Time

The time each parent spends with their child is called parenting time. Sometimes the term “physical custody” is used, but it is not a statutorily defined term, so “parenting time” is preferable. Although it is common for parents to have equal…


Paternity issues depend on whether the parents were married or unmarried at the time of conception. When a married couple has a child conceived during the marriage, the child is presumed to be the biological child of both parents. This means that bot…

International Child Custody

In our increasingly mobile world, it is not uncommon for one or both parents to have ties with a country other than the one in which they are currently living with their child. Unfortunately, those global connections can increase the risk of one pare…

Settlement Agreements

At the conclusion of your case, a Judgment of Divorce will be signed by a judge. This document ends your marriage and governs every aspect of your divorce including property division, spousal support, child custody, child support, parenting time, and…

Spousal Support

If you depend on your husband or wife’s income, divorce can feel financially risky. However, temporary and ongoing spousal support can help you bridge the gap to financial stability and independence after your marriage is over. What is Spousal Supp…

Marital Property

Every divorce involves dividing up the property you and your spouse accumulated while you were married. Even if you have been separated for years, your Judgment of Divorce must include a division of marital property. Understanding what that is, and h…

Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial agreements are tools to protect significant assets owned before marriage and if necessary protect the interests of children from previous relationships. Signing a prenuptial agreement before your wedding day can help you and your partner t…

Changing a Settlement

The judgment of divorce marks the end of the marriage and is a final statement of the agreement. But life is not static—circumstances change and adjustments to the judgment may be needed. Changing an order is difficult but not impossible. Your atto…

Separate Maintenance

Separate maintenance is an option for couples opposed to getting a divorce, but who cannot continue living together. It’s also used when the couple wants to continue health insurance coverage for an unemployed or retired spouse, after separation. S…

Post-Nuptial Agreements

Postnuptial agreements are tools used by married couples to define their relationships and protect their assets to help save your marriage. Negotiating and signing a postnuptial agreement (sometimes called a postnup) can be a way for you and your spo…